Charlottesville Orthopedic Center works with patients in both Charlottesville and the surrounding communities, we treat musculoskeletal conditions in a variety of categories including the services listed below. We are also a full-service orthopedic center, and we feel confident that we have a specialist for whatever your individual needs are.
Please see below for an overview of our core services and specialties.
HAND – Fractures, joint sprain, arthritis, and lacerations to skin, tendons, and nerves – when these conditions or injuries affect your hands and fingers, they can have a significant impact on the activities you perform every day, from opening a door to typing an email. Our fellowship-trained hand surgeons will explore various treatment options with you, from non-surgical therapy to surgical joint replacement. Our goal at Charlottesville Orthopaedic Center is to is to improve your hand function as quickly as possible.
WRIST – If you’re suffering from one of many common wrist problems – carpal tunnel syndrome, fracture, arthritis, and tendonitis – our comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to care offers immediate treatment and helps you avoid significant delay and downtime. Our physicians perform in-house, noninvasive diagnostic tests such as electro-diagnostic medicine (EMG), musculoskeletal ultrasound, and Vision Scope. We also perform outpatient wrist MRI, CT, and arthroscopy (wrist scope).
ELBOW – If you have problems with your elbow, we can help. We treat the full array of conditions: pediatric fracture (which includes supracondylar), chronic nerve impingement, tendonitis (golf and tennis elbow), and arthritis. Not all elbow conditions require surgery immediately, so in our approach to care we start with non-operative regenerative therapies such as ultrasound-guided platelet and stem cell injections.
Arthritis of the Base of the Thumb
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Congenital Differences
deQuervain’s Tendinitis
Dupuytren’s Disease
Extensor Tendon Injuries
Flexor Tendon Injuries
Ganglion Cysts
Hand Fractures
Kienbock’s Disease
Lateral Epicondylitis/tennis elbow
Hand Joint Arthritis
Nerve Injuries
Trigger Finger
Wrist Arthroscopy
Wrist Sprains
Arthritis of the Elbow
Biceps tendinitis
Broken arm
Colles fracture
Dislocated Elbow
Elbow Bursitis
Elbow Fractures in Children
Forearm Fractures in Children
Olecranon (Elbow) Fractures
Radial Head Fractures
Rupture of the biceps tendon
Tennis Elbow
– see also How to Treat with Tenex
Throwing injuries in the elbow
Ulnar nerve entrapment

Meet our Hand, Wrist & Elbow specialist and the other members of our expert medical staff.
If shoulder pain prevents you from living the life you want to live – throwing a baseball, lifting your children, or returning to work – then Charlottesville Orthopaedic Center can help. By carefully reviewing your medical history and conducting a physical exam, as well using x-ray and ultrasound technology, we can diagnose your condition and develop a plan for treatment. We’ve found that most shoulder conditions can be managed with physical therapy or, in some cases, an injection. If those approaches don’t resolve your problem, then you can meet with our orthopaedic surgeon who specializes in shoulders to discuss the benefits of surgery.
When your shoulder is compromised through injury or the normal wear and tear of repetitive use, pain and instability lead to loss of functional use. Our goal is always to help you eliminate pain and enjoy a full range of motion so that you can participate in the activities you enjoy.

Meet our Shoulder specialist and the other members of our expert medical staff.
As they support the weight of our bodies in everyday life, our hip and knee joints frequently reflect the ongoing stresses subjected to them in the form of arthritis, tendinitis and ligament injuries. Over a lifetime of stress, the hip eventually succumbs to even minor injuries leading to fractures that lead to major morbidity. Knees are prone to injuries even sooner, the limb being exposed to forces when we fall or participate in sporting activities as examples. The physicians Charlottesville Orthopaedic Center are experts in treating these conditions, usually with non-operative techniques such as physical therapy, steroid injections or the latest in stem-cell and PRP technology. If the problem worsens, we offer in-office diagnostic arthroscopy or ultrasound that can many times avoid expensive MRI testing and confirm potential conditions that could be addressed with surgery such as minimally invasive arthroscopic techniques or larger joint replacements.
Additional Resources on the Hip
Anesthesia for Hip & Knee Surgery
Bursitis of the hip
Deep Vein Thrombosis
Falls and Hip Fractures
Hip Dislocation
Hip Fracture
Hip Implants
Hip Strains
Inflammatory Arthritis of the Hip
Hip Fracture Prevention
Osteoarthritis of the Hip
Osteonecrosis of the hip
Prevent Falls!
Preventing Hip Fractures
Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
Snapping Hip
Transient Osteoporosis of the Hip
ACL Reconstruction
Activities after a Knee Replacement
Additional Resources on the Knee
Adolescent Anterior Knee Pain
Arthritis of the Knee
Cemented and Cementless Knee Replacement
Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate
Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulfate Clinical Trials
Goosefoot (Pes Anserine) bursitis of the knee
The Knee
Knee Implants
Knee ligament injuries
Kneecap (prepatellar) bursitis
Meniscal tear
New Techniques to Restore Articular Cartilage
Nonsurgical Treatment Options for Osteoarthritis of the Knee
Osgood-Schlatter disease (knee pain)
Osteonecrosis of the Knee
Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) Tear
Rotating platform/mobile-bearing knees
Runner’s knee (patellofemoral pain)
Surgical Treatment of Osteoarthritis of the Knee
The Impact of Osteoarthritis of the Knee
Total Knee Replacement
Unstable Kneecap
Viscosupplementation Treatment for Arthritis

Meet our Hip & Knee specialist and the other members of our expert medical staff.
If you have neck and back pain, you’re not alone. Muscles in your neck and back can be strained from poor posture – leaning over your computer, hunching over your workbench, or lifting something heavy. Osteoarthritis is also a common cause of neck or back pain.
Neck and back pain are rarely symptoms of a more serious problem. However, you should seek medical care if your neck or back pain is accompanied by numbness or loss of strength in your arms, hands, legs, or feet or if you have shooting pain down the arm or leg. That sort of sharp, shooting pain can indicate sciatica. Our team at Charlottesville Orthopaedic Center are specialists when it comes to neck and back pain.
If you enjoy playing sports, you can rest assured that our physicians take a personal approach to getting you back in the game. We provide cutting-edge, minimally invasive treatment and surgery if needed and collaborate with physical therapists and trainers to optimize your recovery so that you can return quickly to playing the sport you love.
Rotator cuff repair
Shoulder labral repair
Shoulder reconstruction
Shoulder Instability
Shoulder dislocation
SLAP tear
Elbow tendon repair
Elbow ligament reconstruction
Patellar instability
Cartilage transplantation
Partial knee replacement
Shoulder arthroscopy
Wrist arthroscopy
Elbow arthroscopy
Ankle arthroscopy
Knee arthroscopy
Physical Therapy Management

Meet our Sports Medicine specialist and the other members of our expert medical staff.
If you’ve suffered a fracture or other acute injury, our surgeons provide emergency services at the Martha Jefferson Hospital Emergency Department. Often, those fractures don’t require immediate surgery. When that’s the case, we care for you in our Charlottesville Orthopaedic Center outpatient office. Those types of injuries can be quite painful, we know, so we always strive to provide speedy office appointments – frequently same-day or next-day scheduling. As part of our advanced, nonsurgical treatment of fractures, we use thermoforming fracture brace to ensure a custom and comfortable fit.

Meet our Fracture Care specialist and the other members of our expert medical staff.
Advances in medical imaging allow the experts at Charlottesville Orthopaedic Center to perform procedures in the office that can replace the need for you to have surgery. Ultrasound imaging and fiberoptic cameras in the tip of a needle allow us to see what is going on beneath your skin. That means we don’t have to perform a costly MRI or invasive arthroscopic surgery.
We can also perform ultrasound needle procedures to remove calcium deposits within tendons, break up scarred tendon tissue, and deliver powerful regenerative treatments. This procedure also helps you avoid a costly trip to the OR.
The TENEX procedure uses ultrasound guidance to help treat worn down tendons as well.
VisionScope technology is used for needle endoscopy.

Meet our Minimally Invasive Orthopaedic specialists and the other members of our expert medical staff.
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Let’s face it: we’re all aging. And one of the conditions that often comes with age is joint impairment – pain, stiffness, and sometimes loss of function in joints such as knees and hips. Sometimes these conditions are brought on by a joint injury such as a fracture or severe sprain or dislocation. If you’ve found that physical therapy and injections no longer provide relief, then perhaps it’s time to consider joint replacement.
The surgeons at Charlottesville Orthopaedic Center are experts in replacing many of the joints that are affected by injury or aging. Joint replacement surgery helps reduce pain and restore normal anatomical function so that you can return to the pleasures and activities in life that matter most to you.
Reverse Shoulder Replacement
Elbow Replacement
Partial Hip Fracture Replacement
Total Knee Replacement
Radial Head Replacement
Carpal (Wrist) Replacement
Finger Joint (MCP, PIPJ and DIPJ) Replacements

Meet our Joint Replacement specialist and the other members of our expert medical staff.
If arthritis or other wear and tear conditions have you considering elective surgery or joint replacement, Charlottesville Orthopaedic Center offer platelet and stem cell procedures as an alternative treatment. With these new, cutting-edge options, you’re able to use your own body to help with the healing process. You’re also able to avoid lengthy periods of downtime and painful rehabilitation that typically follow invasive surgery.
To learn more about Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Stem Cell Therapy, please visit our Regenerative Therapies page.