We all are dealing with unprecedented times. At Charlottesville Orthopaedic Center, we have always put the health and safety of our patients and their families at the highest priority. Based on guidance from the CDC and other health agencies, we have had to make some tough decisions on how to best take care of patients. The following changes are being made in our office temporarily as we work through this current situation.
-We will only be open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 8am-4:30pm
-On days we are closed, we will be closely monitoring the patient portal as well as messages that come by phone, and we will return those messages as soon as possible.
-Non-urgent appointments are being delayed or possibly converted to a “telemedicine” visit. Each currently scheduled appointment is being looked over to see when or if it needs to be moved.
-We will contact patients that need to have a change made to their currently scheduled appt.
– If you need an appointment, please continue to contact our office and we will work with you on getting the most appropriate care.
We will continue to monitor this situation and make any appropriate changes as needed. With any change we will notify everyone as quickly as possible.
We will continue to use extra diligence to ensure a safe environment for our patients and staff by additional cleaning of all high touch surfaces, above and beyond the typical measures.
If you have symptoms or think you may have been exposed to COVID-19, and have an upcoming appointment, PLEASE contact our office BEFORE your visit so we can best address how to meet your medical needs.
Please contact our office if you have any questions, we are still here for you during these tough times. There is a link to the portal at www.cvilleortho.com, call us at 434-244-8412, or e-mail at [email protected]
Stay Safe Everyone!